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Job Insights Glossary

Rank Ranger's Job Insights is a unique service that can help you improve the visibility of your job listings by analyzing the competition and surveying the job marketing within the Google for Jobs search engine. 

This glossary provides a brief explanation of the terms used in our Job Insights tool.

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Google for Jobs Insights reporting

Best Paying Jobs

Located in the Market Analysis > Category Trends report, the Best Paying Jobs table lists the job title, average salary, and a number of Google Jobs listings per job title during the report.                   

Best Position

Best Position refers to the best rank of the keyword achieved during the date range (if Historical Data selected) or in the past 7 days (if Fresh Data selected).

Change (Listings Trend)

In the context of the Category Trends report (located in Market Analysis), the Change metric refers to the number of New Jobs divided by the Total Jobs.              

Competition Trend Graph

The Competition Trend graph provides a visual of the top competitors over a 6 week period. Hover over any point on the graph to view the number of job listings per job board on a specific date based on the selected search location

Efficiency Score

Efficiency is a visibility score based on exact keyword match in job titles and listing positions in the search results.


Companies whose advertised job listings have ranked in Google Jobs search. In the various graphs and table listings, you'll find either the employer name (sometimes including a link to the actual job listing) or the number of unique employers with job listings for each search location.

Employment Type

If published in the job listing, the employment type is included in various graphs and tables as Full-time, Part-time, Contractor, Internship, or not set (the job listing did not define the employment type).

Employment Type Graph

The Employment Type graph displays the number of job listings in each employment type for the domain and selected search location.

Fresh Data

Fresh Data is based on the past 7 days.             

Growth (Listings Trend)

In the context of the Market Analysis > Category Trends report Job Listings Trend table, Growth represents the number of new job listings in the current report period minus the number of new job listings during the previous reporting period, divided by the new job listings in the previous period.             

Historical Data

Historical Data is based on the selected date range.

Job Board

A job board is any website that has a Jobs section and pushes job ads to Google's Jobs API.

Job Listings

The total number of job ads published on Google for Jobs for the selected domain and search location.

Job Location

The Job Location is based on the location indicated in the job listing in Google for Jobs.

Job Title

The Job Title is listed in the job ad in Google for Jobs. In some reports, the Job Title links to the actual job listing or to a Keyword Performance report that provides additional insights. 


The search keyword or phrase that was used to perform a search in the Google for Jobs search engine and resulted in a top 100 ranked (position) job listing.

Last Seen

The last date that the keyword and search location produced a job listing for the employer in Google for Jobs search.


Listings are job ads. The content of listings is provided in a variety of graphs and tables. 

Listings By State (Map)

A USA map that provides the number of job listings for the domain in each state when you hover over a state. 
In the Overview report, clicking on a state reveals a downloadable list of cities and the number of job listings in each.

Market Share

The domain's share of job listings published on Google Jobs for the selected search location.

Most Effective Job Titles

The Job titles with the most listings and highest visibility are based on search position.

Most Popular Job Titles

The Job titles with the most listings for the selected report filters (e.g., domain, search location, category, etc.).

New Jobs (Listings Trend)

The New Jobs metric in the Market Analysis > Category Trends Job Listings Trend table represents the total of new job listings (i.e., job ads that were not previously found in the top 100 results of Google Jobs search) for each category during the reporting period.            

Number of Days / # Days

# Days is the number of days since the job listing was first recorded in our database.            

Popularity Score

Popularity is a score based on the percentage of instances where the job title is an exact match of the keyword (as opposed to containing the keyword, e.g., "analyst" is contained in, but is not an exact match for the keyword "data analyst").

Pos 1-3, Pos 4-10, Pos 11-20, Pos 21-50

The number of job listings ranked in Google for Jobs search in Positions:
  • 1 through 3
  • 4 through 10
  • 11 through 20
  • 21 through 50

Rank Distribution Graph

The Rank Distribution graph displays the number of job listings that ranked in positions 1-3, 4-10, 11-20, and 21-50 for the domain and selected search location.

Salaries by Location

The Salaries By Location chart that is located in the Market Analysis > Category Trends report graphically displays the top 10 highest paying salaries per location. This is based on the selected reporting period.             


The salary or salary range if published in the job listing.

Salary Distribution Graph

If salary data is provided in job listings for the selected domain, the Salary Distribution graph displays salary ranges and the number of job listings in each range.

Search Location

Search Location is the physical location that the Google for Jobs keyword search was performed from. Rank Ranger currently tracks the top 50 US cities (based on population).


The percentage of share of all listings for the employer/competitor/city/domain/job title, based on searches conducted from the selected search location.

Sub Locations

Rank Ranger searches Google for Jobs from the top 50 US cities (based on population). Sub locations represent the number of all the cities found when grouping and counting unique job locations, including the search location city. You can see an example of this by clicking a State on the Listings by State map and viewing the list of cities.

Top Categories Graph

Top job categories based on the number of listings for the domain and selected search location.

Top Cities List

Cities with the largest share of job listings based on searches conducted from the selected search location. Clicking the city name launches the Keyword Performance report for that search location. 

Top Competitors List

The Top Competitors list rates job boards based on a number of listings. The list includes competitor domain (with a link to their domain overview report for additional insights), a number of job listings, estimated cost of advertising, and estimated search traffic.

Top Employers List

The Top Employers list rates, employers, based on their number of job listings in Google for Jobs search for the selected search location, and provides their percentage of share. Clicking the employer name launches a Keyword Performance report for the domain that is filtered by the employer name.

Top Job Boards - Total Listings Graph

The Top Job Boards by Total Listings graph displays the job boards with the highest number of listings in the Google for Jobs search results.

Top Job Boards - Visibility Score Graph

The Top Job Boards by Visibility Score graph displays the job boards with the highest visibility score (based on the number of listings ranked in the top 30 results of the Google for Jobs search results. The more top positions in the top 30 results, the higher the visibility score is).

Top Keywords List

The Top Keywords table contains a list of the keywords with the highest Google for Jobs search engine rank position based on the search location. A Traffic metric provides the share of traffic the keyword holds in the listings space for the domain.

Top Locations List

The Top Locations list rates Job Locations based on the number of listings in Google for Jobs search and provides their percentage of share.

Top Salaries By Job Title

The Market Analysis > Category Trends report includes a chart that displays the Top 10 highest salary job titles, along with the number of listings in Google Jobs for the selected report period.             

Top Search Locations List

For the top 50 US cities (based on population), this table provides job listing statistics including search location, number of listings, number of sub-locations, number of employers, rank position and estimated organic traffic for the domain.

Total Jobs (Listings Trend)

The Total Jobs metric in the Job Listing Trends table of the Market Analysis > Category Trends report represents all of the listings for each category during the selected report period.             

Total Listings Trend

The Total Listings Trend graph located in the Market Analysis > Category Trends report displays total listings per day for all categories spanning the selected report period.             


The estimated traffic is based on the organic search volume and the actual position of an ad. Meaning the higher rank the ad achieves, the higher share of the estimated search volume it will get.  Search volume is an estimation of how much traffic a site or URL could potentially get from organic traffic. The database of keywords used in this tool may not contain every possible search query that people might enter in Google and that is why this metric is treated as an estimate and not exact values. It should be used for comparing websites with each other and analyzing trends in search traffic over time.

Traffic Cost

Similar to the traffic metric, Traffic Cost is an estimated advertising cost based on keyword average cost per click for the keywords in our database related to the job listings.

Unique Employers (By Domain)

The Unique Employers (By Domain) chart displayed in the Market Analysis > Category Trends report represents the total number of unique employer domains (websites) found (for the keywords in our database) with listings in Google Jobs during the reporting period.           

Unique Employers (By Name)

The Unique Employers (By Name) chart that is located in the Market Analysis > Category Trends report provides the number of listings attributed to unique employer names found in Google Jobs listings during the report date range for the keywords that are in our database.

Unique Job Boards (By Domain)

The Unique Job Boards (By Domain) chart displayed in the Market Analysis > Category Trends report graphically illustrates the total number of listings per day in Google Jobs for unique job board websites (domains) for the keywords that are tracked in our database.        

Unique Job Boards (By Name)

The Category Trends report Unique Job Boards (By Name) chart displays the total number of Google Jobs listings attributed to unique job board names per day during the reporting period for the keywords that our system tracks.             


The Visibility score is calculated by aggregating the weighted rank value of a company's listings that appear in the top 30 positions in Google for Jobs. For example, each keyword producing a position #1 rank scores 30, #2 gets 29, #3 gets 28, and so on, and they’re added together to form the Visibility score.

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