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Average Rank Positions

The Average Rank Positions report displays the:
  • Average Rank: the average rank for the keyword per domain
  • Best Rank: the highest rank the keyword achieved during the report period.
  • Lowest Rank: the keyword's lowest reported rank for during the report period 
Additional options include rank on the last day of the report period, AdWords average monthly volume, PPC competition, and domain metrics from Majestic and Ahrefs.

Please note that this report only includes the keywords that are actually ranking within the maximum supported results tracked by each search engine (refer to our current list of supported search engines for rank depth and additional information).

Average Rank Positions

Reports & Tools > Organic Search > Rank Tracking > Rank Tracker 


Single Domain View

Average Rank Positions - Primary Domain

In addition to the report's default columns, this view of the average rank position report includes the display of tags, current rank, AdWords PPC and monthly search volume, with the Average Rank field sorted in descending order.
Average Rank Position Report

Primary Domain and Competitors

Average Rank Positions for Primary Domain and Competitors

In this view competitor URLs have been selected, domain backlink metrics have been included, and the report has been grouped by keyword in order to determine how the primary domain is ranking compared to the competitor sites being tracked in this campaign.

Average Rank Positions report with competitors

Report Options

Select a custom Date Range

Custom Date Range



  • Report Dates from the Report Options calendar tool
Select Rank Tracker Dashboard General Settings


  • Custom Report Title: (optional) enter a Title to display centered at the top of your report. This title will also display on your white label PDF reports; both in the bookmarked links and at the top of the report.

Display General Columns:

Show or hide report columns

Display Rank Columns:

  • Current Rank based on the last day of the report date

Display Keyword Metric Columns:

  • Average Monthly Volume (learn more)
  • PPC Competition score
Show or hide report columns

Display Domain Metrics Columns:

  • Majestic: Indexed Pages is the domain's total number of pages indexed by Majestic
  • Majestic: Domain Backlinks is the domain's total number of backlinks reported by Majestic
  • Majestic: Citation Flow is a Majestic SEO flow metric, which is weighted by the number of citations to a given URL, or Domain
  • Majestic: Trust Flow is a Majestic SEO flow metric, which is weighted by the number of clicks from a seed set of trusted sites to a given URL, or Domain.
  • Ahrefs: Indexed Pages is the domain's total number of pages indexed by Ahrefs
  • Ahrefs: Domain Backlinks is the domain's total number of backlinks reported by Ahrefs
Show or hide report columns

Sort and Group:

  • Sort Field: select the field you want the report to be sorted by
  • Sort Direction: select the sort direction
  • Group by Domains or Keywords determines the content of each table
select Keywords


  • Select Keywords you want displayed in the report
Show, hide and select Keyword Tags

Keyword Tag Filter:

  • Select the Tag(s) you want to filter the report results by (optional).  Use the All or None link for quick selection, or individually check the boxes beside the keyword tags to be included in the report.

Important: Refer to Tag Manager for more information about creating Keyword Tag Groups and Tag Options.

Select Website Domains


  • Select the websites you want included in the report (use the All or None link for quick selection)


Select Search Engines

Search Engines:

  • Select the search engines you want included in the report
  • Use the up and down arrows to reorder the display of search engines in your report, if desired

Save Report Default


  • Click the Apply Changes button.

Please refer to:
  • Report Default Settings for more information about default setting features and uses.
  • The Report Tools section of the User Guide for additional information regarding report views, data export, adding this report to an existing White Label PDF report and more.

Average Rank Insight Graph

Trending competitor average rank is one of the many ways you can use the average rank metric in Insight Graphs.

Average Rank Options
Average Rank is the average rank of all campaign keywords combined for the selected time period. When you select the Average Rank Metric Type, you have a variety of options and filters to utilize for customizing your Insight Graph.

Average Rank Metic Settings

Metric Name

Enter the name that you want displayed as the legend label
Add Metric Name


Select from the list of domains being tracked for the campaign

Select the campaign domain

Search Engine

Select a Search Engine
Select a Search Engine

Keyword Tags

Select the keyword tags you want to filter rank data by for display in the graph

filter results by keyword tag 

Display rank data by Day, Week or Month

Filter Ranking Data by Day, Week or Month


Select all Rank results or filter Rank results by Top 10, Top 20, etc.
Filter rank results by

Average Rank Rules

If you want Average Rank calculated differently than actual rank, then enter a Rank Threshold number.

Rank Value enter the value you want Rank Ranger to use for keyword rank that is higher than the Rank Threshold you've chosen. Keyword rank value will then be calculated based on the number you set in the Rank Value field.

Enter 0 if you want the keyword ignored completely when calculating average rank.

Leave the Threshold at 500 and Rank Value at 0 to have the actual rank value used in calculating Average Rank, this is our default method.

In the screenshot, Rank Value is set at less than or equal to rank position 50, with a Rank Value of 0. This combination would cause keywords ranking in position 51 to 500 to not be counted at all in the Average Rank calculation.

Filter by Search Volume by entering a greater than volume value in order to display only the high volume keywords

Average Rank Rules

Blending Metrics
One of the benefits of the Insight Graph is the ability to blend metrics to tell a marketing story. In this example, Average Rank and Traffic Sessions are trended over a 6 month period.

Average Rank with Rank Position Stats
In this example, average rank has been added to a rank position stats graph

Video: How to Create an Average Rank(Desktop & Mobile) Insight Graph

Video: How to Create Competitor Rank Comparison Insight Graph

Add to PDF Report

Conveniently add a report or graph with its current settings to a PDF report by hovering over the gold gear icon and selecting Add to PDF Reports

add report to PDF

Select the PDF Report that you want the report or graph added to
select white label report

Drag the new report or graph into the position you want it to display in the PDF and confirm that the Date settings do not conflict with the automated scheduling settings.

PDF Report Settings - Average Rank Position

Reports and graphs can be added to automated PDF reports via the report screen (as described above) or manually in the PDF Report Content screen. If the report is added via the:
  • report screen, then begin by clicking the Edit button corresponding to the report
  • PDF Report Content screen, then click the Add Report button and select the Campaign name and Report: Average Rank Position


Expand the Date Options section and in the Show Report date of the last field type in the number of periods to be displayed in the report

In the next field select one of the following options:
  • days
  • weeks
  • months
  • years
In the data ending on field select one of the following options:
  • first day
  • last day
  • or a specific day of the month
  • or a specific day of the week (when weekly reports are selected)
In the of field select one of the following options:
  • this
  • last
In the next field select one of the following options:
  • week
  • month
The selection must produce a logical date setting based on the PDF report's automated scheduling (at the bottom of the Report Details screen). For example:
  • last day of last month
  • 1st of this month
  • last day of last week
If the report is scheduled to be sent every Monday, then the following example would be invalid:
  • Saturday of this week (because weeks begin on Sunday and if reports are sent on Monday, then Saturday of this week hasn't yet occurred).
If the report is scheduled to be sent on the 1st day of every month, the following example would be invalid:
  • last day of this month (because it's only the 1st day of the month the report is being sent)


Custom Report Title (optional): displays across the top of the report section.

  • Display Keyword Tags by moving the slider to the right.

  • Display Current Rank by moving the slider to the right. Current Rank is based on the last day of the report date.
  • Display Average Monthly Volume by moving the slider to the right. Based on Keyword Planner when the keyword was added to the campaign (learn more about Keyword Search Volume.
  • Display PPC Competition by moving the slider to the right. Displays a column representing the keyword's competition score based on the number of advertisers bidding on each keyword. Hover over the High/Medium/Low result to view the actual percentage.

Display Domain Metrics by moving the slider to the right for each selection.
  • Majestic: Indexed Pages is the domain's total number of pages indexed by Majestic.
  • Majestic: Domain Backlinks is the domain's total number of backlinks reported by Majestic.
  • Display Majestic: Citation Flow by moving the slider to the right.
  • Majestic: Citation Flow is a Majestic SEO flow metric, which is weighted by the number of citations to a given URL, or Domain.
  • Majestic: Trust Flow is a Majestic SEO flow metric, which is weighted by the number of clicks from a seed set of trusted sites to a given URL, or Domain
  • Ahrefs: Indexed Pages is the domain's total number of pages indexed by Ahrefs.
  • Ahrefs: Domain Backlinks is the domain's total number of backlinks reported by Ahrefs
Sort Options
Select the Sort Field you want the report to be sorted by and the Sort Direction.

Group By option: allows you to group by Domain (for viewing 1 table per keyword including competitor domains) and Keywords (for viewing 1 table with all keywords for 1 domain).


Select Keywords to displayed in the report.


Select the Keyword Tag(s) you want to filter the report results by (optional). Use the All or None link for quick selection, or individually check the boxes beside the keyword tags to be included in the report.


Select the Websites you want included in the report. Use the All or None link for quick selection.

Search Engines

Select the Search Engines you want included in the report.
If multiple Search Engines are selected, you have the option to change the display order by clicking the arrow next to the Search Engine and dragging it into the desired order.

Add to Marketing Dashboard

Conveniently add a report or graph with its current settings to a marketing dashboard:

1. Hover over the gold gear icon and select Add to Marketing Dashboard
2. Select the Dashboard (campaign name)
3. Select the Dashboard Page that you want the report added to

add report to PDF

4. Click the "Go to Dashboard" link to further customize the report (e.g., drag it to a specific position on the page, change date settings, etc.)

Refer to the Report Options section for details regarding the display settings, filters and sort options available for this report.

The report date (or date range) is governed by the selected Dashboard date option: Date Selection or Fixed Periods, learn more...

  • Daily reports default to the last day of the selected period
  • Weekly and monthly reports default to 1 month of data
To change the number of weeks or months displayed in a specific report, click the gear icon for any marketing dashboard report element and expand the Date option section, enter the number and click the Save Button.
marketing dashboard report date options

Add to Client Dashboard

Customize Report for Client Dashboard

Client Dashboards display our default report options for each individual report and graph until you modify them. To customize the display of the report, expand the Report Options section, change the settings and click the Apply Changes button.

Then expand Report Options again and hover over the Save icon and select Save as Default for Client Dashboard.

report options

After saving the Client Dashboard default, any changes that you make to the report options will not affect the display in the Client Dashboard unless you overwrite it by following these instructions again.

Enable the Report or Graph to display in the Client Dashboard

Open the Campaign Settings > Client Dashboard screen and check the box corresponding to the report(s) you want displayed in the dashboard, and then click the Save button. 

access permissions to client dashboard

Refer to Client Dashboard Settings documentation for additional instructions for customizing your dashboard.

Rank Values Explained

The meaning of 100+, N/A, N/R, "-" and   

The three moving dots   are an indicator that rank tracking is in progress for the keywords and you should check the report later in the day for results.  We do the best we can to complete the rank tracking as early as possible every day, however, there are some factors that are beyond our control (e.g., search engine response rate).

3 dots in a Rank Dashboard report
Rank Tracker Dashboard displaying tracking in progress for the keywords "smart home technology" and "home security".

100+ is our system default for when our rank tracker did not find the keyword ranking for the primary domain within the maximum supported results tracked by each search engine (refer to our current list of supported search engines and rank depth for additional information), and the search engine did return webpages on other domains with results for the keyword.
rank of 500+
Rank Tracker Dashboard displaying 100+ as the rank result for several keywords. Options exist in the Account Settings > Theme & Localization screen to set no rank within tracked results as "100+", "N/A", "NR", or "-"

example of N/AN/A means that the search engine did not return any result for the keyword, which most likely means that the keyword is not indexed by the search engine at all (e.g., the keyword "lawn mower Nome, Alaska").

N/A is also an account-wide option that can be selected in the Theme & Localization settings to represent no rank value (e.g., instead of 100+), other options include "NR", "-", or "100+". Please check your account settings before requesting assistance for a keyword that you are certain is indexed.

If you're using one of our rank reporting APIs, they return a dash "-" in the rank field when no value is available.

No Data Found

If your account is relatively new, and depending on several variables (number of keywords, number of search engines, date range, etc.), rank reports can take anywhere from a few minutes to a 8 hours until your first reports will display all of the data.  In the case of a campaign that is a day or more old, incorrect campaign configuration can lead to empty reports as well.  Clicking the Default Report Settings button usually resolves the issue.

no data found

Common causes for 'no data found' message:
  • Account is new and our rank tracker is gathering data
  • Invalid date range (e.g., the report start date is older than the campaign creation date)
  • Keyword / URL combination on report options was not found 
  • within the maximum supported results tracked by each search engine (refer to our current list of supported search engines and rank depth for additional information). Note that this is relevant only for rank reports and graphs.
  • Incomplete campaign setup (missing URL / Keywords / Search Engines / Authorized Connections)
  • Website is new and hasn't been indexed by search engines yet
  • Authorized connection to a third party data provider has expired or been configured incorrectly (refer to the third party integration or webmaster tool documentation) 
  • Delays or outage of third party data provider (e.g., Google, Facebook, Twitter, etc.)

If keywords are missing completely from a rank report, there are 2 possibilities:
  • New keywords may have been added to the campaign, but not selected. Learn more...
  • The search engine did not return any result for the keyword on any domain. In some rank reports, Rank Ranger will not display keywords for which the search engine displays no results - meaning no results for any URL on the web.  So if has results, but Google Mobile does not, you will see results for the keyword in the table, but the keyword will not display at all in the Google Mobile table. That is the way the system is designed because it needs a response from the search engine in order to record a number and when there is no response, then there is no number.

If you need assistance after reviewing and trying the options listed above, please  contact our technical support team.

Campaign Keyword Limit

There is a maximum limit of 1000 keywords per campaign in order to ensure efficient report generation and convenient viewing. Adding more than 1000 keywords to a campaign will cause some functionality to be disabled.

If you need to track more than 1000 keywords for a site, then best practice is to create additional campaigns (e.g., separate them by keyword category, location, tags, etc.).  If you have an Enterprise package, you can view rank performance data for multiple campaigns in the Portfolio Report and by using cross-campaign metrics in the Insight Graph and Single Metric Widgets.

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