It’s no secret that video has a big ROI.
The question is…
Can you use video as an SEO strategy?
The answer is, absolutely.
In this post, I’ll be showing you how to make the most of video in SEO. I’ll be getting into how to research video topics that are designed to rank in both YouTube and Google. I’ll also get into some video optimization best practices.
There is no question that semantic SEO is the future of SEO.
The reason?
As search engines evolve towards semantic search your SEO strategy should evolve with them.
The problem is the barrier to entry is high. In other words, to do semantic SEO you must have a basic understanding of how semantic search works.
Unfortunately, as things stand at the moment, if you do a Google search for simple easy-to-understand resources for the layman you’ll find yourself scratching your head.
To deal with that, I’ve attempted to create some semantic SEO resources that anyone can understand.
In this post, I’ll be dealing with the question:
What is Google’s Knowledge Graph?
Google Search Console is a great rank tracking tool.
In fact...
Even if you use a paid rank tracker, you should still start your rank tracking journey with Search Console.
The reason is...
Search Console gives you an inside scoop into how Google understands your content (which is difficult to see when using a paid rank tracking tool.)
Using this data, you can make your first optimizations and then move over to a paid rank tracker for a more detailed analysis.
In this post, I’ll show you how to use Google Search Console to boost your rankings and improve your content strategy.
People are bombarded with hundreds of emails every day, and this is not an exaggeration. According to the most recent statistics, a person receives 200 emails a day on average. Surely, you can expect some of these messages to go right to the trash folder if the recipient finds them irrelevant - hardly anyone can handle writing as many replies.
So, obviously, the tactic of overwhelming your recipient with emails until they cave no longer works. The same goes for social media and LinkedIn, in particular.
Thus, the only way to cut through that noise is to start doing exactly the opposite, namely, adjusting your link prospecting angles and pitches so that they target the right group of people, speak their language, and ultimately help you build a relationship with them.
If you’re not sure how this approach works in practice, here’s a short guide you can follow.