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Google Local Finder Results

Google Local Finder is a location-based feature of Google Search that includes a local pack, and an option to view more places with a larger map, and Google My Business listings. Rank Ranger supports reporting of Local Finder results. 

Please note that if you are currently tracking with the Google Maps search engine and decide to change to Local Finder when you make Campaign Settings changes they are reflected in the next day's rank tracking results.

Local Finder



Google Search Local Pack


A search for factory outlet malls in New York state resulted in a local pack in the top position. Note that the URL indicates that we are in Google Search (not Maps). 

Local Pack

Clicking on the More places link launches the Local Finder results.

Local Finder Results
Note that clicking the More places link keeps us in the regular Google Search environment.

Local finder results

Local Finder Business Listing 
Clicking a search result in Local Finder launches a Google Business listing format with a link to the website (if available), directions, and the option to save the location to your Google account. Additional information displays if the business has added it to their listing (e.g., business hours, photos, etc.) and if customers have posted questions, reviews, or photos. There is also an option to ask questions, post a review or photo.

Local business finder listing

Add Local Finder Tracking to Campaign

In Campaign Settings > Search Engines
  • Select the Search Engine Country
  • Select Google Local Finder in the Search Engine list
  • Click the Add button

select the Local Finder search engine

Add Local Finder Tracking to Competitors

Google Business Listing

In order for the Google Local Finder Search Engine to track competitors' sites by Google Business listing name in the Google Local Finder the Business name in the Campaign > Websites settings needs to be specified for those competitors that are to be tracked. For the competitor that has multiple Google Business Listings with Business Names or locations, enter (contains), such as (Book Depository).  

Note: The configuration for the primary domain will be ignored in case the Business Name is configured in the Google Local Finder Search Engine.

The Business Name configurations for the primary as well as competitors domain is reflected in all related Rank and Competitors reports with the Google Local Finder Search Engine.

Campaign Website Settings add a Website Tag

Custom Location Settings

Rank Tracking & Report Options

custom location setting

Click the Custom Location & Options button and complete these fields:
  • Custom Search Engine Name (optional): this displays in reports
  • Custom Location Settings: the search engine country has already been selected, you can target the location further by entering a state, city or postal code in any of these formats:
    • California: this narrows a USA search to the state of California
    • Miami, FL: this narrows a USA search to the city of Miami, Florida
    • 90210, USA: this narrows a USA search to a postal code within a city (in the US, it is necessary to add a comma after the postal code and include USA)
    • London: this targets a UK search to the city of London
    • WC1N: this targets a UK search to a specific postal code

Click the Save button
when you have finished customizing the search engine.

Business Results Match Settings

Business Results Match
  • In the Business Name field enter the Google My Business listing Title
    The Business Name must be the exact title that displays in the Google listing for the business location.
    Refer to the sections below for wild card options to accommodate Google business listings for multiple locations or business names.
Google My Business Title

Business with Multiple Location Listings
If the tracked domain has multiple Google business listings containing the same Business Name with location or service included in the title, use the (contains) option.
  • For example, by entering (Capital Grille), the Ranger bot will return Local Results for "The Capital Grille", "Capital Grille Wall Street", "The Capital Grille of New Orleans", etc.
Multiple business location pages

Company with Multiple Business Name Listings
If the Google Business Titles don't contain a common brand name, you can enter multiple business names in parentheses with a pipe between them.
  • For example, the Hilton Hotel in San Diego has a sports grill, lounge, and restaurant, so to track the Google Business page for each of the related properties, you could enter this in the Business Name field:
    (Hilton San Diego Bayfront)|(Fox Sports Grill)|(Odysea Lounge)|(Vela)
Multiple business name listings

Business Page URL (optional)
If the Google business listing has been optimized for a URL that is different than the campaign's primary URL, you may enter that URL in this field and we will use it as the landing page in your reports.
  • For example, if the website link on the Google My Business listing for a restaurant directs users to the reservations page, a menu, or a gallery of mouth-watering photos, you can enter that URL in this field. 
  • If the field is left empty, then the campaign domain URL will display in reports if the keyword ranks in Local Finder for the business name.
report landing page URL

In the above example, the search engine has been customized:
  • For search in Boston, Massachusetts
  • To include local pack and hotel pack results if the Google My Business listing title is "The Capital Grille"
  • To include the rank count along with organic results rank if the Google Business listing name is in the search results
  • To list a specific landing page URL in the rank reports when the Google My Business name is found in Boston based search results

Click the Save button
when you have finished customizing the search engine.

Learn more about Local Pack Results or Hotel Pack Results.

FAQ: Google Local Finder vs Google Maps Search Engine

What is the difference between Google Local Finder and Google Maps?

Google Maps tracking is done via

Google Local Finder is a feature of that is accessed by clicking the "More Places" link at the bottom of a Local Pack

One might expect that both options would provide the same search results, however, that is not always the case as is detailed in the following example based on a search for "factory outlet malls in new york state".

Comparison of Google Local Finder and Google Maps Results
In this side by side comparison of the same keyword, we see that Google Local Finder and Maps are not providing the exact same results. For example, in Local Finder rank position 1 was Express Factory Outlet vs. Adirondack Factory Outlet Mall in Maps.  

Google local finder vs maps

Rerunning the same search multiple times in the same browser (or when logged into a Google account), may produce matching results as Google learns from your activity.

The user experience is also different with respect to the format, yet similar with respect to some of the information displayed when clicking on a search result.

Local Finder Business Listing
  • Google Business listing format with link to website (if available)
  • Directions and the option to save the location to your Google account
  • Additional information displays if the business has added it to their listing (e.g., business hours, photos, etc.) and if customers have posted questions, reviews or photos
  • Option to ask questions, post a review or photo

Google Maps Business Listing
  • Google Places listing in a different format than the Local Finder
  • Directions with the option to send to your phone or share with someone
  • There's also an option to search for other places of interest near the business
  • If the business has included hours or other information in their listing that displays along with customer reviews
  • Option to post a review

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